Fantasy baseball has been around for decades. Fantasy baseball was once relegated to die hard stat crunchers who would have to sift through box scores and countless other sources to keep track of their teams. With the rise of the internet, Fantasy Baseball is now available to countless millions around the world and is increasingly becoming a fun hobby for fans of America's pastime.
There are many different forms of fantasy baseball out there. Though there are normally 2 main types. Rotiserie, which pits teams in a system of points based on leading offensive and pitching categories, as well as number of teams in the league. For example, a 10 team league would got by a 1 to 10 point system applied to each category. The leader of each category would earn 10pts, 2nd 9pts, 3rd 8pts and so on. All point totals for all categories would them be added together to get the teams point total. The most points on any given day would be the leader, with points potentially changing each day.
Head-To-Head is based on a weekly system where teams compete again based on categories, though unlike Rotiserie, teams only compete against one other team on a weekly basis, following a pre-set schedule. In head-to-head each offensive and pitching stat lead is worth one 'win'. At the end of the week, usually Monday to Sunday, whichever team leads the most categories would win the week and their win/loss totals would then be translated into the updated standings. As mentioned, there are other types of leagues, such as 'Keeper leagues', which are long term leagues which allow owners to protect a certain number of players to carry over into the next season.
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